Letter from the President


Whether you are a long-time member of CEDAS, a new member, or considering joining, I would like to say “thank you” for taking an active interest in the improvement of our state’s economy. CEDAS is a voluntary, not-for-profit dedicated to advancing the practice of economic development in Connecticut. There is no time like the present, as the saying goes, to dive in and work collaboratively with your fellow members to make a difference in the economic progress of our great state!

Since 1962, CEDAS has been hard at work supporting the economic development industry here in CT and we are more relevant than ever. No one person or organization has all the answers, but collectively we are stronger, and there is much to be gained by interacting with your fellow professionals, from different disciplines, who are unified in the direction of development. There is expertise and enthusiasm within our ranks, and the collaborative spirit of CEDAS makes this not only a valuable organization to belong to, but a fun one as well.

I would like to welcome our new Executive Board for 2025-2026; 1st Vice-President, Michelle McCabe, Mark Barnhart, Treasurer and Karen DelVecchio, Secretary and our Immediate Past President, Paige Bronk. Our board is focused on three main goals for CEDAS: to Lead, Collaborate and Grow.

There are many ways in which you can be involved. We welcome your time and energy on one or more of our Committees: Public Policy, Best Practices, Website & Communications, Membership, Scholarship and Programs. We have already launched a new webinar series: “The CEDAS Hour”, along with many educational offerings throughout the year. As our committees get underway there will be much more to come. There is a role to play for all our members, so I encourage each one of you to join in and make this organization yours. Please reach out to Alison at info@cedas.org if you want more information or ways in which you want to be involved.


Kevin Bielmeier
CEDAS President
Economic Development Director
Town of Southbury