Providing Value for our Members

  • Participated in 18 Municipal Economic Development Training Sessions with CERC.
  • Organized well-attended educational and networking workshops statewide through CEDAS Academy and partnership programs.
  • Membership retention remained strong and new member engagement with a wider diverse professional base grew to 306 members.
  • Collaborative efforts engaged several professional organizations (CCAPA, CERC, CoreNet Global, CREW, EverSource, NEDA, ICSC) bringing value to CEDAS membership.
  • Co-Sponsored events (CT Main Street Center, CERC, CT Chapter American Planners Association, and MetroHartford Alliance).
  • Published the monthly CEDAS e-Newsletter focused on member news, communications, membership benefits, and events.
  • Increased on-line registration for events.
  • Sponsored the 39th Annual New England Economic Development Course.
  • Awarded 10 professional development scholarships to attend the New England Basic Economic Development course; NEDA Annual Conference; NDC-EDFP; and VAD Academy.
  • In conjunction with CCAPA, CEDAS Policy Committee spearheads “CT Best Practices in Land Use & Economic Development,” a concept plan with a tiered approach to support sharing best practices throughout the state.

CEDAS Monthly Activities

  • January – CEDAS welcomed new board members: Jamie Brätt, Garrett Sheehan, and Laura Brown; CEDAS adds to the website the statewide entrepreneurial calendar
  • February – CEDAS Academy “Innovations in Workforce Development”
  • March – Partner with HBJ at the Municipal Collaboration Summit; Supported the Governor’s Forum
  • April – Partner program w/CT Main Street “Creative Economy & Creative Spaces” in Downtown Bridgeport; CEDAS Academy “Activating Third Places: Maker and Co-Working Spaces”; posted the CEDAS Legislative Agenda
  • May – Partner program w/ NEDA & New England Council in Washington D.C. Economic Development News from D.C.
  • June – CEDAS Academy “Community Based Business Retention and Expansion Programs”; CEDAS Partner program with MetroHartford Alliance @ the Travelers Championship; Welcomed new board member Richard LoPresti
  • July – CEDAS Public Policy Committee hosted the CT Best Practices Summit on Economic Development and Planning at Eversource Energy
  • August – Partner program w/ CCAPA “Night out with the Hartford Yard Goats” Dunkin’ Donut Park; CEDAS sponsored the 39th Annual New England Basic Economic Development Course September – CEDAS Policy Committee spearheads “CT Best Practices in Land Use & Economic Development” with CCAPA; CEDAS President, along with other members attend IEDC Annual Conference in Toronto, Ontario Canada
  • October – CEDAS @ NEDA Annual Conference in Rhode Island; CEDAS Annual Meeting; Co-sponsor w/CCAPA 2-day Citizen Jane Film Festival Bridgeport
  • November – Sponsored the CERC Annual Celebrate CT! event showcasing 23 projects, companies, and individuals driving economic development
  • December – CEDAS Retreat – members of the current Board of directors, newly elected board members, out-going board members and honorary board members met to discuss successes/challenges and brainstorm for 2018