As part of its recent strategic planning efforts, the Northeast Economic Development Association decided to mount an effort to inform its members more about Washington public policy issues, and to consider how NEDA could communicate on important issues to federal policy makers.  As a result, early this month I traveled to Washington to join NEDA members at the New England Council Annual Washington Event.

By “piggy backing” on the NEC event, NEDA members were given access to many members of the New England Congressional delegation. Between the Congressional reception on Wednesday and the Thursday breakfast, we were able to speak with five of the seven members of the Connecticut Congressional delegation, in an atmosphere very different than meeting them in the state. We also provided a briefing to members of the NEC and Congressional staff about the impact of federal program and policies on local economic development efforts. In addition we heard from Congressional leaders about critical issues like tax reform and Infrastructure investment, and the health care bill on the day it passed the House of Representatives!

This Washington liaison activity is an effort that individual state associations could probably not mount alone, but brings an important voice for the Northeast region to Washington.  The delegation this year was small, but I hope members of the state associations, like CEDAS, will see the value, and grow our numbers should we return next year.  In the meantime, I expect NEDA will be expanding its efforts in this area to inform the membership and the state associations of important things going on in DC.

We will be doing a webinar soon that will highlight many of the issues that were disuccused at this event as well as the IEDC Washington meeting that occurred in April.  This is certainly a time to be aware of what is going on in Washington!

Bob Santy, President & CEO, Connecticut Economic Resource Center