The 2017 legislative session is fully underway with committees now holding public hearings on bills.  Policy Committee Co-Chairmen John O’Toole and Garrett Sheehan visited the Legislative Office Building for two days during the week of March 6th.  The Connecticut Business and Industry Association hosted business day on March 8th.  Representatives from chambers of commerce across the state attended and spoke to legislators about the importance of improving Connecticut’s business environment.

The policy committee is closely following two bills that could impact economic development.  Senate Bill 819 would increase the annual allocation of historic tax credits.  These credits have been very successful in boosting development in many of our communities.  There is demand for more tax credits, and the policy committee has drafted a letter supporting the bill.

The committee also drafted a letter opposing Senate Bill 241.   As presently drafted Senate Bill 241 would, “require all public water system construction projects designed to move more than one hundred fifty thousand gallons of water be approved by a two-thirds majority of the member town legislative bodies before construction commences.”  The policy committee has concluded that this legislation would make doing business in Connecticut more cumbersome, would delay investment and would make development projects more political.

Both letters will be presented to the board for approval prior to being submitted to the legislature.  Full details and status of these bills can be found here: SB 819  SB 241